Welcome to Year 6!
Here you can find all the relevant information for being in Year 6.
Here you can find all the relevant information for being in Year 6.
Below you can find a link to key documents which will give you as a parent or carer an overview of what our Year 6 pupils will be learning this year and the skills that they will need to develop.
Click here to find out more about each topic and, as ever, if you have any questions about your child’s learning then please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
KS2 children can go to their classrooms from 8:30am with registration starting at 8.40am.
We would ask that you encourage your child to be independent when coming into school. It is very important for your child’s development for them to be able to take responsibility for themselves and their own property.
At the end of the day, Year 6 children will leave at 3:10pm. We ask parents to allow their children a greater degree of independence and walk or cycle to and from school on their own or, if not possible, drop off and pick up away from school. Parents will not be permitted on the yard.
If you wish to make an appointment to see the teachers, this can be arranged at a mutually convenient time.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to speak to any member of the Key Stage 2 team.
Our PE day is on a Tuesday.
Your child should come to school in the following kit:
Black shorts / plain black tracksuit bottoms / black leggings
Team colour t-shirt with embroidered Bowerham Rose
Trainers or pumps
School jumper or Y6 hoody
No jewellery