Welcome to Year 5!

On this page you will find all the information that you need about what’s going on in Year 5.

The link below will take you to our frequently asked questions for children starting part way through the year in KS2:

New starters – KS2 – Frequently asked questions

The link below will take you to our Year 4 – Year 5 Transition Video for September 2024


Staff members

Mrs Thompson

Class Teacher, 5VT/AO

Mrs Orford

Class Teacher, 5VT/AO

Mr Haughton

Upper Key Stage Two Lead; Class Teacher, 5NH

Miss Porter

Teaching Assistant

Miss McGowan

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Knowles O'Sullivan

Teaching Assistant

Miss Austin

in loving memory, 1969-2025


All your child’s homework can be found on Showbie in the green homework folder.

Task Homework

This is a task that the children will need to complete. This will be linked to prior learning or to support the children in their learning for that week. Often the task homework will be something for you to do (a task) or to talk through rather than written work that needs handing in. However, if is does need handing in, it can be submitted in a variety of ways depending on what suits the tasks. You can choose how you would like to submit it.

Just Talk

This is a talking task linked to a written assignment, and will be given on a Friday (twice per half-term). The children will then  complete their Just Write related to the Just Talk on the following Friday during our assessment morning.


Each child will be set new spellings on a Friday.  The children will complete the spelling quiz (test) the following Friday during our assessment morning. Words are usually taken from the year 5 and 6 statutory list, which can be found in the spellings section on Showbie.


Children will be set a new MyMaths challenge each Friday.


Ideally, we would like the children to be reading regularly at home. They have access to the Bug Club reading scheme and will also bring home a reading book which they have chosen. Please record any reading in the communication diary.

The Year 5 Curriculum

Below you can find a link to key documents which will give you as a parent or carer an overview of what our Year 5 pupils will be learning this year and the skills that they will need to develop.

Click  here to find out more about each topic and, as ever, if you have any questions about your child’s learning then please don’t hesitate to get in touch.


Year 5 classes will start at 8.40am. We would appreciate it if children could be dropped as near to this time as possible in order to maintain social distancing and ensure that all year groups are arriving at different times. Doors open at 8.30.

We would ask that you encourage your child to be independent when coming into school. It is very important for your child’s development for them to be able to take responsibility for themselves and their own property. No parents will be allowed on to the yard in the morning for drop off. Year 5 children will enter through the pupils gate and the black door and go straight to their classroom.

At the end of the day, Year 5 children can be collected from the yard by the main gate at 3.10pm. We ask parents collecting children from Year 5 if they do come on to the yard to stand by the wall. We work with a “hands up” collection system. Your child will not be sent to an adult collecting until a member of staff has seen who is there to collect. If someone different is due to collect your child please indicate so in the communication diary. We would encourage parents to collect children away from the yard at a prearranged drop off point where convenient to allow for social distancing to be observed on the yard. Again, please indicate your pick up point in the communication diary.

Should you wish to meet with a year 5 teacher, this can be arranged by email or by indicating in the communication diary.

PE Day

Our PE day is on a Tuesday.

Your child should come to school in the following kit:

Black shorts / plain black tracksuit bottoms / black leggings

Team colour plain t-shirt

Trainers or pumps

School jumper

No jewellery



Swimming is on Wednesday mornings. Classes go every other week; your child will need to fill in the University’s goggle permission slip in order to wear goggles. A paper copy will be sent home with your child. Please complete this to comply with Lancaster University’s goggle policy.

Spring Term 2025 – children who still need to work towards the 25 metre target will be attending swimming every Wednesday until Easter.