Welcome to Year 2!

On this page you will find all the information that you need about what’s going on in Year 2

The link below will take you to our frequently asked questions for children starting part way through the year in KS1:

New starters – KS1 – Frequently asked questions


Mr Thomas

Class Teacher, 2AT

Mrs Burrow

Class Teacher, 2OB

Mrs Kenyon

Teaching Assistant

Miss Chester

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Callan

Higher Level Teaching Assistant

Mrs Bradshaw

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Lawrenson

Teaching Assistant

The Year 2 Curriculum

Click here for the Year 2 curriculum


Welcome to Year 2.

Morning Arrival

  • Parents/carers should bring their children into school via the green gate (Year 1)  or the main pupil entrance. The children will then say their goodbyes and come straight into school via the double doors into the KS1 atrium or their classroom doors leading to the playground.
  • The green gate will be opened at 8.30am by a member of the Year 2 team. Parents of Year 2 children will not be allowed onto the playground.
  • The children will make their way into the classroom where they will put their communication diary and water bottles in the correct place after putting their coats and bags on their pegs.

End-of-the-day routines

  • School will finish at 3.10pm. Parents/carers should collect their children from the main playground. Please can we ask that parents remain behind the red line when collecting and not by the classroom doors.
  • The children will be dismissed from their outside classroom door by a member of the Year 2 team, when their parent has been seen.

Kids Club

If your child is attending Bowerham Kids Club or Casual Club, they will be asked to stay in the classroom until they are picked up by the Kids Club. Please keep staff and Kids Club fully informed if there are any changes to proposed childcare. We also have a casual care club available if needed. More details about the casual care club can be found through the following link:



All your child’s homework can be found on Showbie in the homework folder.

Task Homework – This is a task that we encourage the children to complete. This will be linked to prior learning or to support the children in their learning for that week.

Often the task homework will be something for you to practise practically or to talk through rather than written work that needs handing in. However, if is does need handing in, it can be submitted in a variety of ways depending on what suits the task. You can choose how you would like to submit it.

Children can can take a photograph of their work and upload it to Showbie.

They could also complete their homework on Showbie using the annotation tools.

They could use different software e.g. MS Word, PowerPoint etc and upload the document from their computer to Showbie.

Just talk – This will be sent home on a Friday for the children to talk about over the weekend. The children will complete their Just Write on a Wednesday so it is crucial that this homework is done by all children. This homework in is the only homework we expect all children to complete each week. Other set homeworks are optional but we strongly recommend that you engage with all, each week.

Spellings – Each child will be set new spellings on a Friday. These words will be linked to the Year 2 spellings. There will not be a spelling test on these words but it is important that the children have opportunities to practise these spellings at home every week.

MyMaths – Children will be set a new MyMaths challenge each Friday. This usually correlates with the learning from that week.

Reading – Ideally, we would like the children to be reading regularly at home throughout the week. We would recommend trying to read at least 5 times in a week. Each session can be one page if necessary but regular practise is vital for learning.

PE Day

The PE Day for Year 2 is THURSDAY. Children should come to school in their full PE kit and you can find a list of what they will need to wear for PE here.

Library Day

Library books can be changed in the Key Stage 1 library on a Friday (both classes).