Our Transition Process
We think that it is important to share with you our transition process. As you can imagine, a lot of work goes on behind the scenes to ensure transition between year groups runs as smoothly as possible. We have put together a list of the processes that are put in place to ensure a successful transition for all children, to help provide some reassurance for parents.
- Firstly, current teachers share an ‘overview of needs’ with your child’s new staff team. This provides an overview on the year group’s needs holistically as well as providing details of individual children’s specific areas of need. This includes pastoral, SEND and academic needs.
- The new class teachers complete the data analysis of children’s end of year assessment data to understand children’s progress academically. This enables teachers to understand target areas for classes as a whole as well as individual children so that they can plan effectively for the Autumn term.
- Transition meetings between your child’s new and old class teachers take place and this includes Mrs Hemingway for a pastoral and Mrs Gallagher for a SEND.
- New class teachers create a video which is uploaded to Showbie (children’s current and new accounts), which gives an overview of the new classroom routines and structures. This is shared in school and is a resource that can also be used over the summer at home to help prepare children for their new year group.
- Children move to their new classrooms for the last week before summer term alongside their new team of adults. This enables children to develop relationships, become familiar with day to day routines such as where their belongings go, where the toilets are and lunchtime routines etc.
- For children in reception, additional visits take place to the year 1 classrooms in the summer term. This takes place weekly, beginning after May half term. Additionally, the year one staff have planned visits to the reception classroom to get to know children in their current environment.
- For children with an ILP (Individual Learning Plan), which outlines children’s individual provision, your child’s current class teacher will evaluate their Summer ILP and create their new ILPs ready for September. These are completed alongside the new class teacher and staff who are supporting your child to ensure effective provision is put in place in accordance to children’s needs and builds on progress that had been made throughout the past year.
- For children with an EHCP, additional classroom visits are organised alongside new adults introducing themselves to children informally, appropriate to children’s needs. This is to help support in children becoming more familiar with new environments as well as to help build relationships with new members of staff.
- For children with a pupil passport, these are updated by your child’s current class teacher to reflect their current needs and adaptations that have been made throughout the year. These are then shared with your child’s new staff team.
- In September, settling in meetings are held early on to enable parents to meet the new teacher and discuss how your child is settling into the new year group.