At Bowerham Primary & Nursery school & Baby Unit promotes all pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development well. 


We are an ever-growing multicultural school; increasing in different faiths; ethnicity and language.  And we celebrate as a diverse school family.

 This is embedded in our Mission Statement, Staff & Governors’ Promise and Children & Parents’ Promise.

Mission Statement: Respect differences in gender, ethnicity, religion and ability.

Staff & Governors’ Promise: We will help develop partnerships between Bowerham and the wider community.

Children & Parents’ Promise: I will try to understand others.

 We know this from:

  • Pupil interviews
  • Community feedback (e.g. visitors comments whilst in and around school)
  • Feedback from High Schools (e.g. LRGS, LGGS, CLHS) after our children participate in activities and open days
  • Class assemblies linked to our Value of the Month
  • Acknowledgment and celebration of each classes’ Citizens and Stars of the Week


  • Our creative curriculum encourages social and cultural awareness
  • Our RE curriculum ensures exploration of spirituality of all major religions
  • Our reflection and prayer room, provides children a room in which to reflect and pray
  • We have two learning mentor- pastoral workers to allow children an opportunity on a daily basis to discuss their feelings
  • We have areas in classrooms and an outside peace garden to encourage children to be reflective.
  • We have close links with a variety of local faith leaders; many of whom lead whole school assemblies


  • Our shared Strap-line, Mission Statement, Staff & Governors’ Promise, Parent & Children Promise, values based education and Behaviour Policy underpins all our moral teachings.
  • Pupils can confidently distinguish between right and wrong and understand that their actions affect others.
  • Our flexible whole school skills based curriculum approach ensures that moral and ethical issues are dealt with, as and when they occur in the news, in our community, or as part of the planned curriculum connectors. (e.g. when natural disasters around the world occur)



  • As a school we are aware of our role in several different local communities
  • Pupils are actively encouraged to take social responsibility both within class and school as well as the local community (e.g, School Council, Rota Kids, Community outreach – Christmas singing, Christingle Service)
  • Our school writes and prints a school community newspaper called The Voice
  • We work closely with the pupils of other schools both local and global (e.g. links with a rural school Quernmore Primary, Little Flower Convent School, Kuda Kusum Balike Maha, Sri Lanka.)
  • Year 6 trip to France


  • We learn and celebrate the Christian Festivals and the main Festivals from other faiths and cultures.
  • Our skills based curriculum ensures we positively engage in and celebrate the literature, art, food and music of all cultures
  • Classroom displays and library materials reflect the culturally diverse world we live in.
  • We have been awarded the Racial Equality Mark
  • During our creative curriculum, our children learn about people and places around the globe and our links to them through; food, aid and media (e.g. RE and PSHEE Fairtrade etc)