Our school lunches are made on site at Bowerham by our catering team and served in our school hall. Children can either choose to have a hot school lunch which is payable in advance via our Parent Pay system, or they can bring in a packed lunch each day for school.
Only children in years Rec, 1 & 2 will receive a government-funded school meal, however, some children in years nursery to year 6 are eligible for free school meals funding as well.
This will apply to you if you are in receipt of benefits. We strongly urge you to complete https://www.lancashire.gov.uk/children-education-families/schools/free-school-meals/?page=3 here. Parents are encouraged to apply since the school will benefit from additional funding, called Pupil Premium, for all those who have a free school meal entitlement.
Please pop into the school office if you need more info.
You can see our current menu by clicking on the link below:
Autumn / Winter Menus
Vegan Autumn Winter menu 24 25
Spring / Summer Menus
Vegan Spring Summer menu 24 25
Breakfast Bar
School runs a breakfast bar every morning from 8.00am where children can come along to the Dinner Hall with their parents before school and have breakfast and/or a drink. The entrance is through the Main Office.
Morning Snack
Snacks are available to purchase for children in Key Stage 2 (Year 3 and above) in the mornings before school for their break time, in our school dining room. Snack prices are as follows:
Crumpets 30p
Teacakes 30p
Toast 20p
Fruit Juice 50p
Hot Chocolate 50p
If they don’t want to purchase anything they are welcome to bring in their own healthy snacks.