Sarah Harris

Pastoral Support

Laura Denison –

Pastoral Lead/ Deputy DSL/Assistant Headteacher


At Bowerham Primary & Nursery School & Baby Unit all our staff are committed to meeting the needs of each individual child through a ‘child-centered’ approach. We believe that meeting children’s basic physiological and psychological needs helps to develop secure, confident and independent individuals that are eager to learn. Each year group has an ‘Overview of Needs’ and staff work hard to incorporate this into the curriculum, environment and class room practice and routines.

When children or families may need a bit more support, the pastoral team is available for this. We all go though difficult times and need a hand to help us. At Bowerham Primary & Nursery School & Baby Unit, we have a dedicated team to help get children and families back on track. Together we are stronger!

Adverse Childhood Experiences

Most families experience some form of trauma at some point in their life. Bowerham Primary and Nursery School is a Trauma Hub School. We help to support our families and the families of other schools through traumatic times. These traumas can have an adverse effect on a child’s development. By using trauma informed practice and being aware of the effect of adverse childhood experiences, we can help to support our children now- which will support them in years to come. It’s important that we are all ACE aware!


Little Book of ACEs