We are lucky to have a wonderful staff team here at Bowerham. If you need to contact school then we would ask that you contact people in the following order if you have a question or a query about your child.
Should you have any queries or comments about school please follow these steps
- First, speak with your child’s class teacher or contact the Office directly
- If your issue is not resolved please speak to the Key Stage Leader
Foundation stage (Nursery and Reception) – Miss Ireland
Key Stage 1 (Year 1 and 2) – Mr Thomas
Lower Key Stage 2 (Year 3 and 4) – Miss Lloyd
Upper Key Stage 2 (Year 5 and 6) – Mr Haughton
or alternatively please contact the following people
- Assistant Headteachers and EYFS SENDCO – Miss Kathryn Ireland
- Assistant Headteacher and Lead SENDCO – Mrs Jennie Gallagher
- Assistant Headteacher and Pastoral – Mrs Laura Hemingway
Finally, if your issue is still not resolved, please arrange a meeting with Mrs Banks by contacting the School Office to find a mutually convenient time.