What is the Pupil Premium?

The pupil premium is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils of all abilities and to close the gaps between them and their peers.

If you are experiencing financial hardship please let us know as you may be eligible for free school meals. The premium that we receive also helps us to fund additional staff and resources to make sure that all our children get an equal chance of a great education at Bowerham.

To check your eligibility for Pupil Premium please complete the following online form


2024 – 25

Bowerham Pupil_Premium_Strategy_Statement_2024-25


Bowerham Pupil_Premium_Strategy_Statement_2023-24 (1)

2022 2023


2021 – 2022

Bowerham Pupil_Premium_Strategy_Statement_2021-22


Bowerham Pupil_Premium_Strategy_Statement_2020-21

For 2020-21 we have received £127,925. For details of how this is being spent please see the link below.

Bowerham Pupil_Premium_Strategy_Statement_2020-21 with FSM



In 2019-20 we received £124,940. For details of how this is being spent please see the link below.

Bowerham Pupil_Premium_Strategy_Statement_2019-20 final copy



In 2018-19 we received £121,960. For details of how this has been spent please click on the link below:

Bowerham Pupil_Premium_Strategy_Statement_2018-19 



In 2017-18 we have received £112,380.  For further details, please click on the link below:

Bowerham Pupil_Premium_Strategy_Statement_2017-18



In 2016-17 we have received £121, 460. Due to the success of the previous years in our work with pupil premium children and their families, we will continue to use this funding to target families and streamline support.

In addition to the support put in place last year, we will be extending our pastoral team to include an in-house individual and small group therapy to provide emotional, health, parenting and family support, as per the needs of our children.

We will also continue to signpost families for early intervention as part of Lancashire’s renewed Continuum of Need.

For further information:

Bowerham Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2016-17



In 2015- 2016 we received £113, 380. Due to the successful impact of the support provided through this funding last year, we will continue to provide the same, effective support. In addition, we have expanded the provision provided by:

  • The use of Early Intervention Services to provide emotional, health, parenting and family support.
  • Small group interventions delivered by trained staff to focus on speech and language and social and emotional development.


2015 data indicates that pupil premium pupils continue to make good progress.

Assessments of children that have accessed intervention through pastoral provision show that children have made good progress socially and emotionally.

Attendance has been targetted and school continues to work with ‘hard to reach’ families to get children to school and to increase participation in all aspects of school.

Analysis of extra-curricular clubs show that the percentage of pupil premium children attending is in line with that of children across the school.

Child Action Northwest reports that they have had a positive impact on children’s well being and this is evident in the school environment.



In 2014-15 we received £102,000. This additional funding is contributory to the following provision:

Working together plans to support and target additional needs

Extra support to ensure children have high attendance and punctuality

Sports clubs and extra-curricular activity support

Child Action Northwest 1:1 play therapist and group councillor

Uniform support

Play leader training to give appropriate opportunities to lead, manage and support

Family support worker


Bespoke individual support for children and families who require support


2014 data indicated that the positive trend is maintained with attainment being higher than average.

Pupil Premium pupils make good and often better progress.  2014 shows that achievement of free school meal pupils was broadly similar to those not eligible to PPG and progress was strong.