We’ve achieved the Silver Artsmark award!

On 19th March 2019 we received our levelling from Arts Council England. They had this to say about all our work with the arts:

You have clearly demonstrated that you promote arts and culture values at Bowerham. Children have the opportunity to develop their skills over time, particularly performance skills, which are recognised and celebrated by achievement of LAMDA qualifications. Your Artsmark journey to date has had a positive impact on pupils’ academic achievement; increased participation in peripatetic music lesson and improved parental engagement. Although your plans to host an annual Arts Week did not come to fruition and were reviewed, you have clearly demonstrated that art is showcased and displayed effectively through pupils’ participation in the singing festival and the ‘Desire Paths’ Performance in the Park. A strength of your Artsmark submission is the way in which you involve pupils in the planning of authentic arts and cultural activities through your Arts Council. To develop further, the panel recommend that you evidence how your work with specialist artists and organisations has developed your staff’s knowledge, skills and understanding, and the impact of specific arts continuing professional development. Additionally, we advise you to show how you ensure that all teaching staff understand the ambitions and are engaged in the school’s arts development. It would also be interesting to learn of the impact of the newly established Lancaster and Morecambe Cultural Education Partnership, and how this enables you to share arts resources and develop good arts practice in other settings.

Congratulations on your Artsmark Silver Award!

The award is valid for two years, so we will now be evaluating our progress and working out next steps!

At Bowerham Primary & Nursery School & Baby Unit, we have a long history of developing the Arts to ensure our children experience an enriched learning journey through school.

We are already involved in school and enrichment events such as Music Festivals, Light Up Lancaster, The Arts Trail, Music Celebration Assemblies, Dukes partnerships, Key Stage productions and so much more!

Read our Case Study which we submitted for levelling. This document evidenced all our work towards Artsmark over the last two years including events, activities, curriculum change, pupil voice and community engagement.

Arts Council England has seven Quality principles to raise the quality of work by, with and for children and young people.

We will continue to strive to meet the principles of:

1. Striving for excellence and innovation
2. Being authentic
3. Being exciting, inspiring and engaging
4. Ensuring a positive and inclusive experience
5. Actively involving children and young people
6. Enabling personal progression
7. Developing belonging and ownership

To find out more about Artsmark please click on the following link:


To find out more about what our Arts Pupil Council did last year, please click below:

Pupil Voice Report-Arts