Our school is a two-form entry school and has 60 children in each year group made up of two classes of 30.

Since 1st November 2021 Local Authority schools are no longer able to offer places to parents directly.  All applications must be submitted to the local authority Pupil Access team. The in-year admission form can be found on the LCC website using this link https://www.lancashire.gov.uk/children-education-families/schools/apply-for-a-school-place/changing-schools-during-the-school-year/

If you are successful in your application we will be informed by the local authority and we will then contact you to arrange a start date.

Pupils transferring from another school will be asked to inform their current school of their intention to move, we will then contact them to arrange a transfer date and organize any transfer of records and other information.

For a detailed explanation of how we deal with oversubscriptions and a clear explanation of our admission criteria, please see the LCC admissions policy on our policy page.

Below is a table which shows how many available places there are in each year group


Year Group Spaces
Reception 0
Year 1 0
Year 2 0
Year 3 1
Year 4 1
Year 5 0
Year 6 0


If you would like to be added to our waiting list for a place please complete the request for places form found below and send it in to us. We contact all applicants via email to inform them if we have a space then they can apply using the process detailed above.

Request for Places Form

2025 appeal timetable

Nursery Admissions

For a detailed explanation of our nursery admission criteria, please see the LCC policy listed on our policies page


Did you know that Early Years childcare support is expanding, with funded hours now available for children from 9 months old.

If you live and work in England you may be entitled to 15 hours funded childcare support from the term after your child turns 9 months old, until they start school.

In September 2025, 15 hours for working families with children under 3 will expand to 30 hours, meaning eligible working families will be able to claim 30 hours of childcare from the term after their child turns 9 months until they reach school age.
Please use the link below for more details and to check your eligibility.


Get your application in now to secure your child’s place in our outstanding Early Years setting. Applications can be found using the link https://www.bowerham.lancs.sch.uk/admissions-process/


If you are enquiring regarding a nursery place for you child, please complete the forms below and return either paper copy  to the school  office or email back to admissions@bowerham.lancs.sch.uk


Nursery Booking form application