Welcome to Year 1!

On this page you will find all the information that you need about what’s going on in Year 1 in September 2024:

Please see the link to access our Reception-Year 1 Transition Video 24-25:


Miss Ireland

Early Years and KS1 Leader, Assistant Head Teacher


Miss Dodd

Year 1 Class Teacher

Mr Thomas

KS1 Phase Leader

Mr Wakeman

Year 1 Class Teacher

Mrs Carradice

Teaching Assistant Year 1

Mr Cook

Teaching Assistant Year 1

Miss Wilson

Teaching Assistant, Year 1

Miss Kay

Teaching Assistant Year 1

Mrs Patel

Teaching Assistant ,Year 1

The Year 1 Curriculum

Below you can find link to key documents which will give you as a parent or carer an overview of what our Year 1 pupils will be learning this year and the skills that they will need to develop.

Click on the link below to find out more about each topic and, as ever, if you have any questions about your child’s learning then please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

For the link to the Year 1 curriculum click here


All your child’s homework can be found on Showbie in the green homework folder.

Task Homework – This is a task that the children will need to complete. This will be linked to prior learning or to support the children in their learning for that week.

Often the task homework will be something for you to do (a task) or to talk through rather than written work that needs handing in. However, if is does need handing in, it can be submitted in a variety of ways depending on what suits the tasks. You can choose how you would like to submit it. Children can complete the homework on Showbie by using the tools available or take a photograph of their work and upload it to Showbie.

Chatter matters – This will be set on Showbie on a Friday for the children to talk about. The children will complete their Just Write on a Thursday afternoon. This is just a discussion with your child, you can use the voice note tool on Showbie to record this if you wish.

Spellings – Each child will be set new spellings on a Friday which are uploaded to Showbie.

MyMaths – Children will be set a new MyMaths challenge each Monday.

Reading – Ideally, we would like the children to be reading regularly at home. Please ensure that you are logging onto Bug Club with your children.

Phonics Support for Parents

Here is short video to help you with the pronunciation of some of the trickier phase 5 sounds.

The next video will show you how we use sound buttons to support your children to decode both real and nonsense words.



The children are to be dropped off into the Year 1 playground via the main entrance. The Year 1 green gates will be open from 8.30am. Teaching sessions start at 8.45am and the Year 1 gate will be locked at 8.45am.  If you arrive after 8.45am, please take your child to the office.

At the end of the day the Year 1 green gate is open from 3.00pm and children need to be collected by 3.10pm. If you arrive after this time then your child will need collecting from the office.

We would ask that you encourage your child to be independent when coming in to school. It is very important for your child’s development for them to be able to take responsibility for themselves and their own property.

At the end of the day, Year 1 children are collected from the Year 1 outdoor area. You will be able to pick your child up from their classroom door. Once a member of staff has seen someone to collect your child they will be sent out from the classroom. If someone different is due to collect your child please indicate so in the communication diary.

At least 1 member of the staff will be available at the beginning and end of each day to answer any questions that you may have.  Any of the staff will be able to answer your questions or direct you to the appropriate person.  If you wish to make an appointment to see the teachers, this can be arranged at a mutually convenient time, via email.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to speak to any member of the Key Stage 1 team.

PE Day

In Year 1 the PE day is on a THURSDAY. Please come to school wearing your PE kit with your school jumper over the top to keep you warm. You can find out more about our sports uniform by going to our Uniform page.

Library Day

The Year 1 children will have an opportunity to visit the library and change their library books each week.

Library day for 1KW is: FRIDAY

Library day for 1ED is: FRIDAY