Welcome to Bowerham Nursery!

Once your child has a confirmed place in our Nursery please could you complete all the forms shown on this page and return to the school office. If you require paper copies please contact us and we will be happy to help. Thank you.

Nursery Induction

All the important information you will need prior to your child starting at Nursery will be available on your child’s Tapestry account.

Your child’s Tapestry account will be activated and an email invitation will be sent to you once we have received all your induction forms.

On Tapestry you will find a PowerPoint presentation, Nursery tour of the environment and welcome videos created by each member of the staff team.

Nursery Forms

Please ensure that you have downloaded, completed and returned all the forms below and returned to admissions@bowerham.lancs.sch.uk    

prior to your child starting in our Nursery.


Information about new pupils

Food Allergy and Intolerance Notification Form

collect from school and consent.doc

Parental Agreement 2024-25 including baby unit

Nursery Booking form application